📍 848 Brittan Ave, San Carlos, CA 94070 | 🕒 Business Hours: Mon: 1–8:30 PM | Tue–Fri: 1:30–9:30 PM | Sat: 10 AM–7 PM | Sun: 10 AM–5:30 PM

PongPlanet Round Robin Leagues & Mini Tournament

JOIN Monthly Friday Night Mini Tournament. Earn $20 Prizes!


Unlimited League & Mini Tournament Pass for $70/month, $35 for Members

Special Offer: Players with League Rating 0-100 Or 2000+ play PongPlanet Leagues for FREE! Welcome new players!


Here is the LINK to create an account and pay for the $25/year basic membership. Note: if you have played the leagues previously, you should already have an account with USATT, in that case, you just need to click “Forgot Password?” in the upper right conner and enter your email address to reset your password.

USATT League rating applied.                 Welcome All Levels!

Weekly Tuesday & Saturday Leagues




Unlimited League & Mini Tournament Pass 


Tue & Sat RR Leagues 10-Day Pass(use within 90 days)



Tue & Sat RR Leagues Single Session




The weekly Round Robin Leagues are held every Tuesday & Saturday at PongPlanet Club. League director will have our leagues processed for USATT League Ratings. This league is for all-level players. League director will give you an estimate rating if you don’t have one. All participants must have the basic USATT membership in order to play any club leagues and tournaments.

League Format

The league director starts off each league with a printout of potential league players, in the order of player rating. The format is to put the top four players in the first group, the next four are put in the second group, and so on down the list. If the number of players in the league is not divisible by four, then the number of players in some groups would be adjusted.

Players play all other members in their group. The goal is to win the group, and to improve one’s league rating. Recommended format is best of 5 to 11 – depending on number of players and time available.

Prize: Receive a FREE Entry for the Monthly Friday Night Mini Tournament if you become a two-time table winner in the month for the Tue&Sat RR Leagues.

When: Tuesday 7:30-9:30PM / Saturday 2:00-4:00PM

Online Registration Cutoff: Tuesday 5:00 pm, Saturday 12:00PM

Walk-In Absolute Cutoff: Tuesday 7:15PM, Saturday 1:30PM. No exceptions.

Instructions to register:

If you use a computer, here is the direct LINK to sign up. Select the date then click “Book Now!”, log into your account or click sign up to create one, after login don’t forget to pay and complete the process.

If you use an iPhone, go to App Store, search “WellnessLiving Achieve” and download the APP, after login,  select “League Play” then choose the correct date and click “Book”, don’t forget to pay and complete the process. If you use an Android Phone, use the similar process to iPhone.

Mini Tournament will be held the 4th Friday of every month.
Prizes for winners:  $20 PP Gift Cards.
Receive a FREE Entry if you are a table winner in the month for the Tue&Sat RR Leagues.




Unlimited League & Mini Tournament Pass 


Friday Mini Tournament 10-Day Pass  (use within 90 days)



Friday Mini Tournament Single Session



ABOUT PongPlanet Mini Tournament

The monthly Mini Tournament is held on the 4th Friday every month at PongPlanet Club. Tournament results will be processed for USATT League Ratings. This Mini Tournament is for all-level players. League director will give you an estimate rating if you don’t have one. All participants must have the basic USATT membership in order to play leagues and tournaments.


Two Events: Rating Above1200 and Under1200

Round Robin + Single Elimination;

1-2 players advance from each group to single elimination (based on the number of entries in the event).  All matches are best of 5.

Prizes: Winners receive a $20 PP Gift Card 

Click to see all the winners!

When: 4th Friday 7:30-10:00PM

Online Registration Cutoff: Friday 5:00PM

Walk-In Absolute Cutoff: Friday 6:15PM. No exceptions.

*You may not be in your level of group, when you walk-in due to limited space availability.
*We made online cutoff time this late to allow you enough time to sign up online or make any changes. Late cancels after cutoff time will incur full charge.
League Ratings

At the start of the league, players will start out with either USATT ratings (http://www.usatt.org/ratings/ratingsprocess.html) or estimated ratings. League ratings will change in the same way that USATT ratings change, using the same rating chart. Ratings will be calculated online when results are input by the League Director. Unrated players will be given a rating of 800, if no better estimate is available. (These ratings may be adjusted later as more info is available).